Eleanor Neyroud


Eleanor Neyroud is a PhD candidate at the Institute of Criminology, University of Cambridge. The focus of her PhD is the overlap between victimisation and offending in low level offenders. As well as working with the Centre for Evidence-Based Policing and on the Cambridge Crime Harm Index, Eleanor is currently working as a data analyst with the Metropolitan Police on a randomised controlled trial, testing out-of-court disposals. Prior to beginning her PhD, Eleanor completed an MPhil at the Institute of Criminology, University of Cambridge in Criminology, gaining a distinction for her thesis on the victim-offender overlap and worked on the Turning Point Project. Eleanor has also interned at RAND Europe, working on analysing mental health diversion data.



Sherman, L., Neyroud, P. W., & Neyroud, E. (2016). The Cambridge crime harm index: Measuring total harm from crime based on sentencing guidelines. Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice10(3), 171-183.