Professor Marcus Beale

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Marcus Beale has had 30 years of UK policing experience, the last 10 years as an Assistant Chief Constable with the highly rated West Midlands Police and Staffordshire Police.

He has extensive experience in counter terrorism (CT), both operationally as a CT commander and strategically building new effective national approaches to emerging challenges. He was the
UK’s national lead for ‘high threat’ police counter terrorism command,
developing the doctrine and the training/accrediting processes for CT
commanders – the officers who lead the most challenging and complex operations. Drawing on this expertise, he assisted a number of police forces around the world develop their approaches to police CT command. Marcus has a particularly strong record in delivering performance improvements, implementing change, developing innovative operational solutions and developing mutually beneficial
service collaborations with strategic partners. He successfully
provided executive leadership for health and safety, diversity and many HR processes (such as allocating staff and promotion processes). With a keen interest in the contribution academic endeavour can make to strategic management, he has led and implemented a comprehensive approach to Evidence-Based Policing within West Midlands Police.
Operationally, he has an enviable track record commanding the policing of public order events, firearms operations, complex crime investigations and very high risk/threat counter-terrorism operations.

Since leaving the policing service, Prof. Beale has furthered his interest in Evidence-Based Policing. In 2018 he was appointed a Professor of Practice by Keele University, supporting crowd psychology research
and doctrine development into aspects of football policing in the UK and Europe, mass protests and rioting; and procedural justice research,
particularly seeking to add psychological understanding to this theory. In addition, drawing on his 30 years policing knowledge and experience, he undertakes consultancy commissions.